
I am having issues in the way PGs are calculated in [Ceph
PGs per Pool Calculator ] and the formulae mentioned in the site.

Below are my findings

The formula to calculate PGs as mentioned in the :

1.      Need to pick the highest value from either of the formulas

*(( Target PGs per OSD ) x ( OSD # ) x ( %Data ))/(size)*


*( OSD# ) / ( Size )*

2.      The output value is then rounded to the nearest power of 2

   1. If the nearest power of 2 is more than 25% below the original value,
   the next higher power of 2 is used.

Based on the above procedure, we calculated PGs for 25, 32 and 64 OSDs

*Our Dataset:*

*%Data:* 0.10

*Target PGs per OSD:* 100

*OSDs* 25, 32 and 64

*For 25 OSDs*

(100*25* (0.10/100))/(3) = 0.833

( 25 ) / ( 3 ) = 8.33

1. Raw pg num 8.33  ( Since we need to pick the highest of (0.833, 8.33))

2. max pg 16 ( For, 8.33 the nearest power of 2 is 16)

3. 16 > 2.08  ( 25 % of 8.33 is 2.08 which is more than 25% the power of 2)

So 16 PGs

ü  GUI Calculator gives the same value and matches with Formula.

*For 32 OSD*

(100*32*(0.10/100))/3 = 1.066

( 32 ) / ( 3 ) = 10.66

1. Raw pg num 10.66 ( Since we need to pick the highest of (1.066, 10.66))

2. max pg 16 ( For, 10.66 the nearest power of 2 is 16)

3.  16 > 2.655 ( 25 % of 10.66 is 2.655 which is more than 25% the power of

So 16 PGs

û  GUI Calculator gives different value (32 PGs) which doesn’t match with

*For 64 OSD*

(100 * 64 * (0.10/100))/3 = 2.133

( 64 ) / ( 3 ) 21.33

1. Raw pg num 21.33 ( Since we need to pick the highest of (2.133, 21.33))

2. max pg 32 ( For, 21.33 the nearest power of 2 is 32)

3. 32 > 5.3325 ( 25 % of 21.33 is 5.3325 which is more than 25% the power
of 2)

So 32 PGs

û  GUI Calculator gives different value (64 PGs) which doesn’t match with

We checked the PG calculator logic from [ ] which is not matching from above

Can someone Guide/reference us to correct formulae to calculate PGs.

Thanks in advance.


Krishna Venkata
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