Indeed, it is forthcoming in the Nautilus release.

You would initiate a "rbd migration prepare <src-image-spec>
<dst-image-spec>" to transparently link the dst-image-spec to the
src-image-spec. Any active Nautilus clients against the image will
then re-open the dst-image-spec for all IO operations. Read requests
that cannot be fulfilled by the new dst-image-spec will be forwarded
to the original src-image-spec (similar to how parent/child cloning
behaves). Write requests to the dst-image-spec will force a deep-copy
of all impacted src-image-spec backing data objects (including
snapshot history) to the associated dst-image-spec backing data
object.  At any point a storage admin can run "rbd migration execute"
to deep-copy all src-image-spec data blocks to the dst-image-spec.
Once the migration is complete, you would just run "rbd migration
commit" to remove src-image-spec.

Note: at some point prior to "rbd migration commit", you will need to
take minimal downtime to switch OpenStack volume registration from the
old image to the new image if you are changing pools.

On Fri, Feb 8, 2019 at 5:33 AM Caspar Smit <> wrote:
> Hi Luis,
> According to slide 21 of Sage's presentation at FOSDEM it is coming in 
> Nautilus:
> Kind regards,
> Caspar
> Op vr 8 feb. 2019 om 11:24 schreef Luis Periquito <>:
>> Hi,
>> a recurring topic is live migration and pool type change (moving from
>> EC to replicated or vice versa).
>> When I went to the OpenStack open infrastructure (aka summit) Sage
>> mentioned about support of live migration of volumes (and as a result
>> of pools) in Nautilus. Is this still the case and is expected to have
>> live migration working by then?
>> thanks,
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