I would like to know the simplest and surest way to set up a RGW instance
with an EC-pool for storing large quantity of data.

1. I am currently trying to do this on a cluster that is not yet open to
users. (i.e. I can mess around with it and, in the worst case, start all

2. I deployed RGW instances using the `ceph-deploy rgw create <nodes...>`,
which automatically created the following pools (the small amount of data
in these pools are from a few tests I have run):
    NAME                           ID     USED        %USED     MAX AVAIL
    .rgw.root                      1      1.1 KiB         0       412 TiB
    default.rgw.control            2          0 B         0       412 TiB
    default.rgw.meta               3      1.2 KiB         0       412 TiB
    default.rgw.log                4          0 B         0       412 TiB
    default.rgw.buckets.index      5          0 B         0       412 TiB
    default.rgw.buckets.non-ec     6          0 B         0       412 TiB
    default.rgw.buckets.data       7       33 GiB         0       412 TiB

3. These pools, by default, are all replicated (factor of 3).

4. My understanding is that the only good candidate RGW pool for EC is the
.rgw.buckets.data pool, is that correct?

5. Now, given that these pools have already been created, is my only option
to create a new EC-ed pool, migrate the data from the old one, and do some
re-naming of the pools so that at the end, the new pool will be
default.rgw.buckets.data  (as outlined in
https://ceph.com/geen-categorie/ceph-pool-migration/)?  If so, do I have to
worry about the last line of that document?: "But it does not work in all
cases."  (whatever that means)

6. Do I need to manually edit the CRUSH map in addition to step 5?  And/or
anything else I need to change or be aware of?

7. Is there an easier way to do this (i.e. create an EC-ed pool for RGW at
the point of RGW initialization rather than migrating data from an old pool
to a new one and renaming the new one to the old one AFTER the initial RGW
pools are created) if I had not yet installed RGW? I am asking this for my
future reference.

*Mami Hayashida*
*Research Computing Associate*
Research Computing Infrastructure
University of Kentucky Information Technology Services
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