I think this is a April fools day joke of someone that did not setup his 
time correctly. 

-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Sander [mailto:r.san...@heinlein-support.de] 
Sent: 10 December 2018 09:49
To: ceph-users@lists.ceph.com
Subject: Re: [ceph-users] Performance Problems

On 07.12.18 18:33, Scharfenberg, Buddy wrote:

> We have 3 nodes set up, 1 with several large drives, 1 with a handful 
> of small ssds, and 1 with several nvme drives.

This is a very unusual setup. Do you really have all your HDDs in one 
node, the SSDs in another and NVMe in the third?

How do you guarantee redundancy?

You should evenly distribute your storage devices across your nodes, 
this may already be a performance boost as it distributes the requests.

Robert Sander
Heinlein Support GmbH
Schwedter Str. 8/9b, 10119 Berlin


Tel: 030 / 405051-43
Fax: 030 / 405051-19

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Geschäftsführer: Peer Heinlein - Sitz: Berlin

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