Mandi! Paweł Sadowsk
  In chel di` si favelave...

> Exactly, your 'new' OSD have weight 1.81999 (osd.12, osd.13) and 0.90999
> (osd.14, osd.15). As Jarek pointed out you should add them using
>   'osd crush initial weight = 0'
> and the use
>   'ceph osd crush reweight osd.x 0.05'
> to slowly increase weight on them.
> From your osd tree it looks like you used 'ceph osd reweight'.

Reading ceph docs lead to me that 'ceph osd reweight' and 'ceph osd crush
reweight' was roughly the same, the first is effectively 'temporary'
and expressed in percentage (0-1), while the second is 'permanent' and
expressed, normally, as disk terabyte.

You are saying that insted the first modify only the disk occupation,
while only the latter alter the crush map.


This is true only for 'straw' algorithm? Or is general? Thanks.

dott. Marco Gaiarin                                     GNUPG Key ID: 240A3D66
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