Hi Jones,
all ceph logs are in the directory /var/log/ceph/, each daemon has its
own log file, e.g. OSD logs are named ceph-osd.*.
I haven't tried it but I don't think SUSE Enterprise Storage deploys
OSDs on partitioned disks. Is there a way to attach a second disk to
the OSD nodes, maybe via USB or something?
Although this thread is ceph related it is referring to a specific
product, so I would recommend to post your question in the SUSE forum
[1] https://forums.suse.com/forumdisplay.php?99-SUSE-Enterprise-Storage
Zitat von Jones de Andrade <johanne...@gmail.com>:
> Hi Eugen.
> Thanks for the suggestion. I'll look for the logs (since it's our first
> attempt with ceph, I'll have to discover where they are, but no problem).
> One thing called my attention on your response however:
> I haven't made myself clear, but one of the failures we encountered were
> that the files now containing:
> node02:
> ----------
> storage:
> ----------
> osds:
> ----------
> /dev/sda4:
> ----------
> format:
> bluestore
> standalone:
> True
> Were originally empty, and we filled them by hand following a model found
> elsewhere on the web. It was necessary, so that we could continue, but
> model indicated that, for example, it should have the path for /dev/sda
> here, not /dev/sda4. We chosen to include the specific partition
> identification because we won't have dedicated disks here, rather just
> very same partition as all disks were partitioned exactly the same.
> While that was enough for the procedure to continue at that point, now I
> wonder if it was the right call and, if it indeed was, if it was done
> properly. As such, I wonder: what you mean by "wipe" the partition here?
> /dev/sda4 is created, but is both empty and unmounted: Should a different
> operation be performed on it, should I remove it first, should I have
> written the files above with only /dev/sda as target?
> I know that probably I wouldn't run in this issues with dedicated discks,
> but unfortunately that is absolutely not an option.
> Thanks a lot in advance for any comments and/or extra suggestions.
> Sincerely yours,
> Jones
> On Sat, Aug 25, 2018 at 5:46 PM Eugen Block <ebl...@nde.ag> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> take a look into the logs, they should point you in the right direction.
>> Since the deployment stage fails at the OSD level, start with the OSD
>> logs. Something's not right with the disks/partitions, did you wipe
>> the partition from previous attempts?
>> Regards,
>> Eugen
>> Zitat von Jones de Andrade <johanne...@gmail.com>:
>>> (Please forgive my previous email: I was using another message and
>>> completely forget to update the subject)
>>> Hi all.
>>> I'm new to ceph, and after having serious problems in ceph stages 0, 1
>> and
>>> 2 that I could solve myself, now it seems that I have hit a wall harder
>>> than my head. :)
>>> When I run salt-run state.orch ceph.stage.deploy, i monitor I see it
>> going
>>> up to here:
>>> #######
>>> [14/71] ceph.sysctl on
>>> node01....................................... ✓ (0.5s)
>>> node02........................................ ✓ (0.7s)
>>> node03....................................... ✓ (0.6s)
>>> node04......................................... ✓ (0.5s)
>>> node05....................................... ✓ (0.6s)
>>> node06.......................................... ✓ (0.5s)
>>> [15/71] ceph.osd on
>>> node01...................................... ❌ (0.7s)
>>> node02........................................ ❌ (0.7s)
>>> node03....................................... ❌ (0.7s)
>>> node04......................................... ❌ (0.6s)
>>> node05....................................... ❌ (0.6s)
>>> node06.......................................... ❌ (0.7s)
>>> Ended stage: ceph.stage.deploy succeeded=14/71 failed=1/71 time=624.7s
>>> Failures summary:
>>> ceph.osd (/srv/salt/ceph/osd):
>>> node02:
>>> deploy OSDs: Module function osd.deploy threw an exception.
>> Exception:
>>> Mine on node02 for cephdisks.list
>>> node03:
>>> deploy OSDs: Module function osd.deploy threw an exception.
>> Exception:
>>> Mine on node03 for cephdisks.list
>>> node01:
>>> deploy OSDs: Module function osd.deploy threw an exception.
>> Exception:
>>> Mine on node01 for cephdisks.list
>>> node04:
>>> deploy OSDs: Module function osd.deploy threw an exception.
>> Exception:
>>> Mine on node04 for cephdisks.list
>>> node05:
>>> deploy OSDs: Module function osd.deploy threw an exception.
>> Exception:
>>> Mine on node05 for cephdisks.list
>>> node06:
>>> deploy OSDs: Module function osd.deploy threw an exception.
>> Exception:
>>> Mine on node06 for cephdisks.list
>>> #######
>>> Since this is a first attempt in 6 simple test machines, we are going
>>> put the mon, osds, etc, in all nodes at first. Only the master is left
>> in a
>>> single machine (node01) by now.
>>> As they are simple machines, they have a single hdd, which is
>>> as follows (the hda4 partition is unmounted and left for the ceph
>> system):
>>> ###########
>>> # lsblk
>>> sda 8:0 0 465,8G 0 disk
>>> ├─sda1 8:1 0 500M 0 part /boot/efi
>>> ├─sda2 8:2 0 16G 0 part [SWAP]
>>> ├─sda3 8:3 0 49,3G 0 part /
>>> └─sda4 8:4 0 400G 0 part
>>> sr0 11:0 1 3,7G 0 rom
>>> # salt -I 'roles:storage' cephdisks.list
>>> node01:
>>> node02:
>>> node03:
>>> node04:
>>> node05:
>>> node06:
>>> # salt -I 'roles:storage' pillar.get ceph
>>> node02:
>>> ----------
>>> storage:
>>> ----------
>>> osds:
>>> ----------
>>> /dev/sda4:
>>> ----------
>>> format:
>>> bluestore
>>> standalone:
>>> True
>>> (and so on for all 6 machines)
>>> ##########
>>> Finally and just in case, my policy.cfg file reads:
>>> #########
>>> #cluster-unassigned/cluster/*.sls
>>> cluster-ceph/cluster/*.sls
>>> profile-default/cluster/*.sls
>>> profile-default/stack/default/ceph/minions/*yml
>>> config/stack/default/global.yml
>>> config/stack/default/ceph/cluster.yml
>>> role-master/cluster/node01.sls
>>> role-admin/cluster/*.sls
>>> role-mon/cluster/*.sls
>>> role-mgr/cluster/*.sls
>>> role-mds/cluster/*.sls
>>> role-ganesha/cluster/*.sls
>>> role-client-nfs/cluster/*.sls
>>> role-client-cephfs/cluster/*.sls
>>> ##########
>>> Please, could someone help me and shed some light on this issue?
>>> Thanks a lot in advance,
>>> Regasrds,
>>> Jones
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