Finally, I got a running server with files /sys/kernel/debug/ceph/xxx/

[root@docker27 525c4413-7a08-40ca-9a98-0a6df009025b.client213522]# cat mdsc
[root@docker27 525c4413-7a08-40ca-9a98-0a6df009025b.client213522]# cat monc
have monmap 2 want 3+
have osdmap 4545 want 4546
have fsmap.user 0
have mdsmap 335 want 336+
fs_cluster_id -1
[root@docker27 525c4413-7a08-40ca-9a98-0a6df009025b.client213522]# cat osdc
REQUESTS 6 homeless 0
82580   osd10   1.7f9ddac7      [10,13]/10      [10,13]/10
10000053a04.00000000    0x400024        1       write
81019   osd11   1.184ed679      [11,7]/11       [11,7]/11
 1000005397b.00000000    0x400024        1       write
81012   osd12   1.cd98ed57      [12,9]/12       [12,9]/12
 10000053971.00000000    0x400024        1       write,startsync
82589   osd12   1.7cd5405a      [12,8]/12       [12,8]/12
 10000053a13.00000000    0x400024        1       write,startsync
80972   osd13   1.91886156      [13,4]/13       [13,4]/13
 10000053939.00000000    0x400024        1       write
81035   osd13   1.ac5ccb56      [13,4]/13       [13,4]/13
 10000053997.00000000    0x400024        1       write

The cluster claims nothing, and shows HEALTH_OK still.
What I did is just vim a file storing on cephfs, and then it hung there.
And I got a process with 'D' stat.
By the way, the whole mount directory is still in use and with no error.

What can I do to fix it?

Burkhard Linke <burkhard.li...@computational.bio.uni-giessen.de>
于2018年8月9日周四 下午9:42写道:

> Hi,
> On 08/09/2018 03:21 PM, Yan, Zheng wrote:
> > try 'mount -f', recent kernel should handle 'mount -f' pretty well
> > On Wed, Aug 8, 2018 at 10:46 PM Zhenshi Zhou <deader...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> >> Hi,
> >> Is there any other way excpet rebooting the server when the client
> hangs?
> >> If the server is in production environment, I can't restart it
> everytime.
> One method that worked for me today:
> - failover to other mds (during failover the client disconnect should be
> denied, e.g. 'mds.ceph-storage-01 [INF] denied reconnect attempt (mds is
> up:reconnect) from client.19660826 (session is
> closed)')
> - failover to first mds again (this time, the client should not try to
> connect. mds_sessions in the debug directory should not list a session)
> - accessing the mountpoint triggered a reconned to the now active mds
> Regards,
> Burkhard
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