
I've created a Ceph cluster of 3 nodes (3 mons, 3 osd, 3 mgr and 3 mds with
two active). This cluster is for mainly for server a webpage (small files)
and is configured to have three copies of files (a copy on every OSD).
My question is about ceph.fuse clients: I've noticed an insane CPU usage
when the fuse client is used, while the kernel client usage is unnoticeable.

For example, now i've that machines working with kernel client and the CPU
usage is less than 30% (all used by php processes). When I change to
ceph.fuse the CPU usage raise to more than 130% and even sometimes up to
190-200% (on a two cores machines means burn the CPU).

Now I've seen two warnings on the cluster:
1 MDSs report oversized cache
4 clients failing to respond to cache pressure

and I think that maybe is a lack of capabilities on ceph kernel modules, so
I want to give a try to fuse module but I've the above problem.

My SO is Ubuntu 16.04 x64 with kernel version 4.13.0-45-generic and ceph
server/client version is 12.2.7.

How I can debug why that CPU usage?.


      Daniel Carrasco Marín
      Ingeniería para la Innovación i2TIC, S.L.
      Tlf:  +34 911 12 32 84 Ext: 223
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