Am 19.07.2018 um 05:57 schrieb Konstantin Shalygin:
>> Now my first question is: 
>> 1) Is there a way to specify "take default class (ssd or nvme)"? 
>>    Then we could just do this for the migration period, and at some point 
>> remove "ssd". 
>> If multi-device-class in a crush rule is not supported yet, the only 
>> workaround which comes to my mind right now is to issue:
>>   $ ceph osd crush set-device-class nvme <old_ssd_osd>
>> for all our old SSD-backed osds, and modify the crush rule to refer to class 
>> "nvme" straightaway. 
> My advice is to set class to 'nvme' to your current osd's with class 'ssd' 
> and change crush rule to this class.
> You still have to do it, better sooner than later.Either use the ssd class 
> for your future drives, in case when you switch all your ssd to nvme and 
> forgot about ssd disks.

Yes, this sounds good. I'll schedule this for as soon as we have a small I/O 
pause in any case, just to be sure this will not interfere with ongoing I/O. 
Changing the old devices and the crush rule sounds like the best plan, then all 
future NVMEs will be handled correctly without any manual intervention. 

>> Here my third question:
>> 3) Are the tunables used for NVME devices the same as for SSD devices?
>>    I do not find any NVME tunables here:
>>    Only SSD, HDD and Hybrid are shown. 
> Ceph is doesn't care about nvme/ssd. Ceph is only care is_rotational drive or 
> not.
>     "bluefs_db_rotational": "0",
>     "bluefs_slow_rotational": "1",
>     "bluefs_wal_rotational": "0",
>     "bluestore_bdev_rotational": "1",
>     "journal_rotational": "0",
>     "rotational": "1"

Ah, I see! 
So those tunables (osd recovery sleep ssd, osd recovery sleep hdd, osd recovery 
sleep hybrid, and the other sleep parameters) just have a misleading name ;-). 

Thanks and all the best,

> k

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