On Tue, Jul 17, 2018 at 3:40 AM Jake Grimmett <j...@mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk> wrote:

> I'd be interested to hear more from Greg about why cache pools are best
> avoided...

While performance has improved over many releases, cache pools still don't
do well on most workloads that most people use them for. As a result we've
moved away from their current implementation; we continue to run their
tests and don't merge code which fails them, but bugs which pop up in the
community or are intermittent get a lot less attention than other areas of

On Tue, Jul 17, 2018 at 6:32 AM Oliver Schulz <oliver.sch...@tu-dortmund.de>

> > But you could also do workaround like letting it choose (K+M)/2 racks
> > and putting two shards in each rack.
> I probably have this wrong - wouldn't it reduce durability
> to put two shards in one failure domain?

Oh yes, you are more susceptible to top-of-rack switch failures in this
case or whatever. It's just one option — many people are less concerned
about their switches than their hard drives, especially since two lost
switches are an accessibility but not a durability issue.
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