On 07/15/2018 08:08 AM, Wladimir Mutel wrote:
>     Hi,
>     I cloned a NTFS with bad blocks from USB HDD onto Ceph RBD volume
> (using ntfsclone, so the copy has sparse regions), and decided to clean
> bad blocks within the copy. I run chkdsk /b from WIndows and it fails on
> free space verification (step 5 of 5).
> In tcmu-runner.log I see that command 8f (SCSI Verify) is not supported.
> Does it mean that I should not try to run chkdsk /b on this volume at
> all ? (it seems that bad blocks were re-verified and cleared)
> Are there any plans to make user:rbd backstore support verify requests ?

I did not know of any apps using the command so it was just not implemented.

I have put it on my TODO list:


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