Can you post the full output of "ceph -s", "ceph health detail, and ceph
osd df tree
Also please run "ceph pg X.YZ query" on one of the PGs not backfilling.


2018-06-20 15:25 GMT+02:00 Oliver Schulz <>:

> Dear all,
> we (somewhat) recently extended our Ceph cluster,
> and updated it to Luminous. By now, the fill level
> on some ODSs is quite high again, so I'd like to
> re-balance via "OSD reweight".
> I'm running into the following problem, however:
> Not matter what I do (reweigt a little, or a lot,
> or only reweight a single OSD by 5%) - after a
> while, backfilling simply stops and lots of objects
> stay misplaced.
> I do have up to 250 PGs per OSD (early sins from
> the first days of the cluster), but I've set
> "mon_max_pg_per_osd = 400" and
> "osd_max_pg_per_osd_hard_ratio = 1.5" to compensate.
> How can I find out why backfill stops? Any advice
> would be very much appreciated.
> Cheers,
> Oliver
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Paul Emmerich

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