
at the moment, we use Icinga2, check_ceph* and Telegraf with the Ceph
plugin. I'm asking what I need to have a separate host, which knows all
about the Ceph cluster health. The reason is, that each OSD node has
mostly the exact same data, which is transmitted into our database (like
InfluxDB or MySQL) and wasting space. Also if something is going on, we
get alerts for each OSD.

So my idea is, to have a separate VM (on external host) and we use only
this host for monitoring the global cluster state and measurements.
Is it correct, that I need only to have mon and mgr as services ? Or
should I do monitoring in a different way?

cu denny

I use this together:

1. mgr/prometheus module for your Grafana;

2. https://github.com/Crapworks/ceph-dash + https://github.com/Crapworks/check_ceph_dash for monitoring cluster events;

First is not need for cephx, second works with python-rados and connects to cluster directly.


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