Hi Fabian,
Hope your arm is doing well :)
unless such a backport is created and tested fairly well (and we will
spend some more time investigating this internally despite the caveats
above), our plan B will probably involve:
- building Luminous for Buster to ease the upgrade from Stretch+Luminous
(upgrading both base distro release and Ceph major version in one go
did not work out in the past)
- keeping our Stretch-based release on Luminous even once Luminous is EoL
- strongly recommending to those of our users that rely on Ceph to
upgrade to our (future/next) Buster-based release (which will likely
get Mimic or Nautilus as default Ceph version, depending on whether
the Ceph release schedule holds or not)
- hope this whole story does not repeat itself too often because of the
inherent misalignment between Ceph and Debian release cycles
especially the second and third point will irritate some of our users,
but sometimes life only hands you lemons.
We're responsible of about 6 small clusters of Proxmox + Ceph; I think
this is the path to take.
Use the time to "extend" Luminous support, maybe you can do this
together with others, maybe even with some support from Ceph upstream. I
think it should be less work than the gcc backport just for a few months.
Just skip Mimic like you did with non LTS releases in the past. It's
also less work for the Proxmox admins, as we'll be able to skip a Ceph
upgrade easily.
Zuzendari Teknikoa / Director Técnico
Binovo IT Human Project, S.L.
Telf. 943569206
Astigarraga bidea 2, 2º izq. oficina 11; 20180 Oiartzun (Gipuzkoa)
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