Okay, I can’t tell you what happened to that one pg, but you’ve got
another 445 remapped pgs and that’s not a good state to be in. It was
probably your use of the rewritten-by-utilization. :/ I am pretty sure
the missing PG and remapped ones have the same root cause, and it’s
possible but by no means certain fixing one will fix the others.
...oh, actually, the most likely cause just came up in an unrelated
conversation. You’ve probably run into the pg overdose protection that
was added in luminous. Check the list archives for the exact name, but
you’ll want to increase the pg hard limit and restart the osds that
exceeded the previous/current setting.
On Thu, Jun 14, 2018 at 2:33 PM Oliver Schulz
<oliver.sch...@tu-dortmund.de <mailto:oliver.sch...@tu-dortmund.de>>
I'm not running the balancer, but I did reweight-by-utilization
a few times recently.
"ceph osd tree" and "ceph -s" say:
On 14.06.2018 20:23, Gregory Farnum wrote:
> Well, if this pg maps to no osds, something has certainly gone
> with your crush map. What’s the crush rule it’s using, and what’s
> output of “ceph osd tree”?
> Are you running the manager’s balancer module or something that
might be
> putting explicit mappings into the osd map and broken it?
> I’m not certain off-hand about the pg reporting, but I believe if
> reporting the state as unknown that means *no* running osd which
> contains any copy of that pg. That’s not something which ceph
could do
> on its own without failures of osds. What’s the output of “ceph
> On Thu, Jun 14, 2018 at 2:15 PM Oliver Schulz
> <oliver.sch...@tu-dortmund.de
<mailto:oliver.sch...@tu-dortmund.de>>> wrote:
> Dear Greg,
> no, it's a very old cluster (continuous operation since 2013,
> with multiple extensions). It's a production cluster and
> there's about 300TB of valuable data on it.
> We recently updated to luminous and added more OSDs (a month
> ago or so), but everything seemed Ok since then. We didn't
> any disk failures, but we had trouble with the MDS daemons
> in the last days, so there were a few reboots.
> Is it somehow possible to find this "lost" PG again? Since
> it's in the metadata pool, large parts of our CephFS directory
> tree are currently unavailable. I turned the MDS daemons off
> for now ...
> Cheers
> Oliver
> On 14.06.2018 19:59, Gregory Farnum wrote:
> > Is this a new cluster? Or did the crush map change somehow
> recently? One
> > way this might happen is if CRUSH just failed entirely to
map a pg,
> > although I think if the pg exists anywhere it should
still be
> getting
> > reported as inactive.
> > On Thu, Jun 14, 2018 at 8:40 AM Oliver Schulz
> > <oliver.sch...@tu-dortmund.de
> <mailto:oliver.sch...@tu-dortmund.de
> <mailto:oliver.sch...@tu-dortmund.de
> <mailto:oliver.sch...@tu-dortmund.de
<mailto:oliver.sch...@tu-dortmund.de>>>> wrote:
> >
> > Dear all,
> >
> > I have a serious problem with our Ceph cluster: One
of our
> PGs somehow
> > ended up in this state (reported by "ceph health
> >
> > pg 1.XXX is stuck inactive for ..., current
state unknown,
> > last acting []
> >
> > Also, "ceph pg map 1.xxx" reports:
> >
> > osdmap e525812 pg 1.721 (1.721) -> up []
acting []
> >
> > I can't use "ceph pg 1.XXX query", it just hangs with
no output.
> >
> > All OSDs are up and in, I have MON quorum, all other
PGs seem
> to be
> > fine.
> >
> > How can diagnose/fix this? Unfortunately, the PG in
> is part
> > of the CephFS metadata pool ...
> >
> > Any help would be very, very much appreciated!
> >
> >
> > Cheers,
> >
> > Oliver
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