Hi yao,

IIRC there is a *sleep* Option which  is usefull when delete Operation is being 
done from ceph.... sleep_trim or something like that.

- Mehmet   

Am 7. Juni 2018 04:11:11 MESZ schrieb Yao Guotao <yaoguo_...@163.com>:
>Hi Jason,
>Thank you very much for your reply.
>I think the RBD trash is a good way. But, the QoS in Ceph is a better
>I am looking forward to the backend QoS of Ceph.
>At 2018-06-06 21:53:23, "Jason Dillaman" <jdill...@redhat.com> wrote:
>>The 'rbd_concurrent_management_ops' setting controls how many
>>concurrent, in-flight RADOS object delete operations are possible per
>>image removal. The default is only 10, so given ten 10 images being
>>deleted concurrently, I am actually surprised that blocked all IO from
>>your VMs.
>>Adding support for limiting the maximum number of concurrent image
>>deletions would definitely be an OpenStack enhancement. There is an
>>open blueprint for optionally utilizing the RBD trash instead of
>>having Cinder delete the images [1], which would allow you to defer
>>deletions to whenever is convenient. Additionally, once Ceph adds
>>support for backend QoS (fingers crossed in Nautilus), we can change
>>librbd to flag all IO for maintenance activities to background (best
>>effort) priority, which might be the best long-term solution.
>>On Wed, Jun 6, 2018 at 6:40 AM, Yao Guotao <yaoguo_...@163.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Cephers,
>>> We use Ceph with Openstack by librbd library.
>>> Last week, my colleague delete 10 volumes from Openstack dashboard
>at the
>>> same time, each volume has about 1T used.
>>> During this time, the disk of OSDs are busy, and there have no I/O
>>> normal vm.
>>> So, I want to konw if there are any parameters that can be set to
>>> I find a parameter about rbd op is 'rbd_concurrent_management_ops'.
>>> I am trying to figure out how it works in code, and I find the
>parameter can
>>> only control the asyncchronous deletion of all objects of an image.
>>> Besides, Should it be controlled at Openstack Nova or Cinder layer?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Yao Guotao
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