Some more informations : the cluster was just upgraded from Jewel to

# ceph pg dump | egrep '(stale|creating)'
dumped all
15.32     10947                  0        0         0       0  45870301184  
3067     3067                                stale+active+clean 2018-06-04 
09:20:42.594317   387644'251008     437722:754803                    [48,31,45] 
        48                    [48,31,45]             48   213014'224196 
2018-04-22 02:01:09.148152   200181'219150 2018-04-14 14:40:13.116285           
19.77      4131                  0        0         0       0  17326669824  
3076     3076                                        stale+down 2018-06-05 
07:28:33.968860    394478'58307     438699:736881                  [NONE,20,76] 
        20                  [NONE,20,76]             20    273736'49495 
2018-05-17 01:05:35.523735    273736'49495 2018-05-17 01:05:35.523735           
13.76     10730                  0        0         0       0  44127133696  
3011     3011                                        stale+down 2018-06-05 
07:30:27.578512   397231'457143    438813:4600135                  [NONE,21,76] 
        21                  [NONE,21,76]             21   286462'438402 
2018-05-20 18:06:12.443141   286462'438402 2018-05-20 18:06:12.443141           

Le mardi 05 juin 2018 à 09:25 +0200, Olivier Bonvalet a écrit :
> Hi,
> I have a cluster in "stale" state : a lots of RBD are blocked since
> ~10
> hours. In the status I see PG in stale or down state, but thoses PG
> doesn't seem to exists anymore :
> root! stor00-sbg:~# ceph health detail | egrep '(stale|down)'
> HEALTH_ERR noout,noscrub,nodeep-scrub flag(s) set; 1 nearfull osd(s);
> 16 pool(s) nearfull; 4645278/103969515 objects misplaced (4.468%);
> Reduced data availability: 643 pgs inactive, 12 pgs down, 2 pgs
> peering, 3 pgs stale; Degraded data redundancy: 2723173/103969515
> objects degraded (2.619%), 387 pgs degraded, 297 pgs undersized; 229
> slow requests are blocked > 32 sec; 4074 stuck requests are blocked >
> 4096 sec; too many PGs per OSD (202 > max 200); mons hyp01-sbg,hyp02-
> sbg,hyp03-sbg are using a lot of disk space
> PG_AVAILABILITY Reduced data availability: 643 pgs inactive, 12 pgs
> down, 2 pgs peering, 3 pgs stale
>     pg 31.8b is down, acting [2147483647,16,36]
>     pg 31.8e is down, acting [2147483647,29,19]
>     pg 46.b8 is down, acting [2147483647,2147483647,13,17,47,28]
> root! stor00-sbg:~# ceph pg 31.8b query
> Error ENOENT: i don't have pgid 31.8b
> root! stor00-sbg:~# ceph pg 31.8e query
> Error ENOENT: i don't have pgid 31.8e
> root! stor00-sbg:~# ceph pg 46.b8 query
> Error ENOENT: i don't have pgid 46.b8
> We just loose an HDD, and mark the corresponding OSD as "lost".
> Any idea of what should I do ?
> Thanks,
> Olivier
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