On Thu, May 31, 2018 at 2:39 PM, Heðin Ejdesgaard Møller <h...@synack.fo> wrote:
> I have encountered the same issue and wrote to the mailing list about it, 
> with the subject: [ceph-users] krbd upmap support on kernel-4.16 ?
> The odd thing is that I can krbd map an image after setting min compat to 
> luminous, without specifying --yes-i-really-mean-it . It's only nessecary at 
> the point in time when you set the min_compat parameter, if you at that time 
> have krbd mapped an image.

Correct.  You are forcing the set-require-min-compat-client setting,
but as the feature bit that is causing this isn't actually required,
"rbd map" and everything else continues to work as before.


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