Short version: is a space for
you to share talks you've submitted to conferences, if you want to let
other Ceph community members know what to look for and avoid
duplicating topics.

Longer version: I and a teammate almost duplicated a talk topic (for
the upcoming — check it out!) and realized there
was no established way for us to coordinate this. Other people have
pointed out similar problems in the past. So, by the power vested in
me by the power of doing things and having Sage say "that's a good
idea", I created Use that
space to coordinate. I've provided a template for conferences around
talk ideas and actual submissions, but please feel free to jot down
other notes around those, add new conferences you know about (even if
you aren't submitting a talk yourself), and generally use that
etherpad as a community resource.

I'll try to keep it up-to-date as conferences age out, but obviously
it's only helpful if people actually put stuff there. So go forth and
write, dear community! :)
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