In my case, I have multiple active MDS (with directory pinning at the very top level), and there would be "Client xxx failing to respond to capability release" health warning every single time that happens.
________________________________ From: ceph-users <> on behalf of Yan, Zheng <> Sent: Tuesday, 29 May 2018 9:53:43 PM To: Oliver Freyermuth Cc: Ceph Users; Peter Wienemann Subject: Re: [ceph-users] Ceph-fuse getting stuck with "currently failed to authpin local pins" Single or multiple acitve mds? Were there "Client xxx failing to respond to capability release" health warning? On Mon, May 28, 2018 at 10:38 PM, Oliver Freyermuth <> wrote: > Dear Cephalopodians, > > we just had a "lockup" of many MDS requests, and also trimming fell behind, > for over 2 days. > One of the clients (all ceph-fuse 12.2.5 on CentOS 7.5) was in status > "currently failed to authpin local pins". Metadata pool usage did grow by 10 > GB in those 2 days. > > Rebooting the node to force a client eviction solved the issue, and now > metadata usage is down again, and all stuck requests were processed quickly. > > Is there any idea on what could cause something like that? On the client, der > was no CPU load, but many processes waiting for cephfs to respond. > Syslog did yield anything. It only affected one user and his user directory. > > If there are no ideas: How can I collect good debug information in case this > happens again? > > Cheers, > Oliver > > > _______________________________________________ > ceph-users mailing list > > > _______________________________________________ ceph-users mailing list
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