On Wed, May 23, 2018 at 12:12 PM, Vasu Kulkarni <vakul...@redhat.com> wrote:
> Alfredo,
> Do we have the migration docs link from ceph-disk deployment to
> ceph-volume? the current docs as i see lacks scenario migration, maybe
> there is another link ?
> http://docs.ceph.com/docs/master/ceph-volume/simple/#ceph-volume-simple
> If it doesn't exist can we document, how a) ceph-disk with filestore
> (with/without) journal can migrate to ceph-volume  and b)
> ceph-disk/bluestore with wal/db on same/different partitions.

There is no "scenario" because ceph-volume scans the existing OSD and
whatever that gives us we work with it:

* filestore with collocated/separate journals
* bluestore in any kind of deployment (with wal, with db, with db and
wal, with main only)

multiply that with *both* ceph-disk's way of encrypting.

In short: we support them all. No special command or flag needed.

> Regards
> Vasu
> On Wed, May 23, 2018 at 8:12 AM, Alfredo Deza <ad...@redhat.com> wrote:
>> Now that Mimic is fully branched out from master, ceph-disk is going
>> to be removed from master so that it is no longer available for the N
>> release (pull request to follow)
>> ceph-disk should be considered as "frozen" and deprecated for Mimic,
>> in favor of ceph-volume.
>> This means that if you are relying on ceph-disk *at all*, you should
>> plan on migrating to ceph-volume for Mimic, and should expect breakage
>> if using/testing it in master.
>> Please refer to the guide to migrate away from ceph-disk [0]
>> Willem, we don't have a way of directly supporting FreeBSD, I've
>> suggested that a plugin would be a good way to consume ceph-volume
>> with whatever FreeBSD needs, alternatively forking ceph-disk could be
>> another option?
>> Thanks
>> [0] http://docs.ceph.com/docs/master/ceph-volume/#migrating
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