Thanks for posting this for me Sean. Just to update, it seems that despite the 
bucket checks completing and reporting no issues, the objects continued to show 
in any tools to list the contents of the bucket.

I put together a simple loop to upload a new file to overwrite the existing one 
then trigger a delete request though the API and this seems to be working in 
lieu of a cleaner solution.

We will be upgrading to Luminous in the coming week, I’ll report back if we see 
any significant change in this issue when we do.

Kind Regards,


From: ceph-users <> On Behalf Of Sean Redmond
Sent: 11 May 2018 17:15
To: ceph-users <>
Subject: [ceph-users] Bucket reporting content inconsistently

HI all,

We have recently upgraded to 10.2.10 in preparation for our upcoming upgrade to 
Luminous and I have been attempting to remove a bucket. When using tools such 
as s3cmd I can see files are listed, verified by the checking with bi list too 
as shown below:

root@ceph-rgw-1:~# radosgw-admin --id rgw.ceph-rgw-1 bi list 
--bucket='bucketnamehere' | grep -i "\"idx\":" | wc -l


However, on attempting to delete the bucket and purge the objects , it appears 
not to be recognised:

root@ceph-rgw-1:~# radosgw-admin --id rgw.ceph-rgw-1 bucket rm --bucket= 
bucketnamehere --purge-objects

2018-05-10 14:11:05.393851 7f0ab07b6a00 -1 ERROR: unable to remove bucket(2) No 
such file or directory

Checking the bucket stats, it does appear that the bucket is reporting no 
content, and repeat the above content test there has been no change to the 3278 

root@ceph-rgw-1:~# radosgw-admin --id rgw.ceph-rgw-1 bucket stats 


    "bucket": "bucketnamehere",

    "pool": ".rgw.buckets",

    "index_pool": ".rgw.buckets.index",

    "id": "default.28142894.1",

    "marker": "default.28142894.1",

    "owner": "16355",


    "master_ver": "0#0,1#0,2#0,3#0,4#0,5#0,6#0,7#0",

    "mtime": "2015-12-08 12:42:26.286153",

    "max_marker": "0#,1#,2#,3#,4#,5#,6#,7#",

    "usage": {

        "rgw.main": {

            "size_kb": 0,

            "size_kb_actual": 0,

            "num_objects": 0


        "rgw.multimeta": {

            "size_kb": 0,

            "size_kb_actual": 0,

            "num_objects": 0



    "bucket_quota": {

        "enabled": false,

        "max_size_kb": -1,

        "max_objects": -1



I have attempted a bucket index check and fix on this, however, it does not 
appear to have made a difference and no fixes or errors reported from it. Does 
anyone have any advice on how to proceed with removing this content? At this 
stage I am not too concerned if the method needed to remove this generates 
orphans, as we will shortly be running a large orphan scan after our upgrade to 
Luminous. Cluster health otherwise reports normal.


Sean Redmond


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