To clarify if I understand correctly:

It is NOT POSSIBLE to use an s3 client like eg. cyberduck/mountainduck 
and supply a user with an 'Access key' and a 'Password' regardless if 
the user is defined in ldap or local?

I honestly cannot see how this ldap integration should even work, 
without a proper ldap scheme for auth caps being available. Nor do I 
understand where you set currently these auth caps, nor do I understand 
what use the current ldap functionality has.

Would be nice to update this on these pages

Maybe it is good to give some 'beginners' access to the docs pages. 
Because as they are learning ceph (and maybe missing info in the docs) 
they can add this then. Because I have the impression that many things 
asked here could be added to the docs.

-----Original Message-----
From: Konstantin Shalygin [] 
Sent: zondag 18 maart 2018 5:04
Cc: Marc Roos; Yehuda Sadeh-Weinraub
Subject: Re: [ceph-users] Radosgw ldap user authentication issues

Hi Marc

> looks like no search is being done there.

> rgw::auth::s3::AWSAuthStrategy denied with reason=-13

The same for me,

But Yehuda closed this.


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