Hi Jason,
How the old target gateway is blacklisted? Is it a feature of the target 
gateway(which can support active/passive multipath) should provide or is it 
only by rbd excusive lock? 
I think excusive lock only let one client can write to rbd at the same time,but 
another client can obtain the lock later when the lock is released.



发件人:Jason Dillaman <jdill...@redhat.com>
发送时间:2018-03-11 07:46
主题:Re: Re: [ceph-users] iSCSI Multipath (Load Balancing) vs RBD Exclusive Lock
抄送:"Mike Christie"<mchri...@redhat.com>,"Lazuardi 
Nasution"<mrxlazuar...@gmail.com>,"Ceph Users"<ceph-users@lists.ceph.com>

On Sat, Mar 10, 2018 at 10:11 AM, shadow_lin <shadow_...@163.com> wrote: 
> Hi Jason, 
>>As discussed in this thread, for active/passive, upon initiator 
>>failover, we used the RBD exclusive-lock feature to blacklist the old 
>>"active" iSCSI target gateway so that it cannot talk w/ the Ceph 
>>cluster before new writes are accepted on the new target gateway. 
> I can get during the new active target gateway was talking to rbd the old 
> active target gateway cannot write because of the RBD exclusive-lock 
> But after the new target gateway done the writes,if the old target gateway 
> had some blocked io during the failover,cant it then get the lock and 
> overwrite the new writes? 

Negative -- it's blacklisted so it cannot talk to the cluster. 

> PS: 
> Petasan say they can do active/active iscsi with patched suse kernel. 

I'll let them comment on these corner cases. 

> 2018-03-10 
> ________________________________ 
> shadowlin 
> ________________________________ 
> 发件人:Jason Dillaman <jdill...@redhat.com> 
> 发送时间:2018-03-10 21:40 
> 主题:Re: [ceph-users] iSCSI Multipath (Load Balancing) vs RBD Exclusive Lock 
> 收件人:"shadow_lin"<shadow_...@163.com> 
> 抄送:"Mike Christie"<mchri...@redhat.com>,"Lazuardi 
> Nasution"<mrxlazuar...@gmail.com>,"Ceph Users"<ceph-users@lists.ceph.com> 
> On Sat, Mar 10, 2018 at 7:42 AM, shadow_lin <shadow_...@163.com> wrote: 
>> Hi Mike, 
>> So for now only suse kernel with target_rbd_core and tcmu-runner can run 
>> active/passive multipath safely? 
> Negative, the LIO / tcmu-runner implementation documented here [1] is 
> safe for active/passive. 
>> I am a newbie to iscsi. I think the stuck io get excuted cause overwrite 
>> problem can happen with both active/active and active/passive. 
>> What makes the active/passive safer than active/active? 
> As discussed in this thread, for active/passive, upon initiator 
> failover, we used the RBD exclusive-lock feature to blacklist the old 
> "active" iSCSI target gateway so that it cannot talk w/ the Ceph 
> cluster before new writes are accepted on the new target gateway. 
>> What mechanism should be implement to avoid the problem with 
>> active/passive 
>> and active/active multipath? 
> Active/passive it solved as discussed above. For active/active, we 
> don't have a solution that is known safe under all failure conditions. 
> If LIO supported MCS (multiple connections per session) instead of 
> just MPIO (multipath IO), the initiator would provide enough context 
> to the target to detect IOs from a failover situation. 
>> 2018-03-10 
>> ________________________________ 
>> shadowlin 
>> ________________________________ 
>> 发件人:Mike Christie <mchri...@redhat.com> 
>> 发送时间:2018-03-09 00:54 
>> 主题:Re: [ceph-users] iSCSI Multipath (Load Balancing) vs RBD Exclusive Lock 
>> 收件人:"shadow_lin"<shadow_...@163.com>,"Lazuardi 
>> Nasution"<mrxlazuar...@gmail.com>,"Ceph Users"<ceph-users@lists.ceph.com> 
>> 抄送: 
>> On 03/07/2018 09:24 AM, shadow_lin wrote: 
>>> Hi Christie, 
>>> Is it safe to use active/passive multipath with krbd with exclusive lock 
>>> for lio/tgt/scst/tcmu? 
>> No. We tried to use lio and krbd initially, but there is a issue where 
>> IO might get stuck in the target/block layer and get executed after new 
>> IO. So for lio, tgt and tcmu it is not safe as is right now. We could 
>> add some code tcmu's file_example handler which can be used with krbd so 
>> it works like the rbd one. 
>> I do know enough about SCST right now. 
>>> Is it safe to use active/active multipath If use suse kernel with 
>>> target_core_rbd? 
>>> Thanks. 
>>> 2018-03-07 
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
>>> shadowlin 
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
>>>     *发件人:*Mike Christie <mchri...@redhat.com> 
>>>     *发送时间:*2018-03-07 03:51 
>>>     *主题:*Re: [ceph-users] iSCSI Multipath (Load Balancing) vs RBD 
>>>     Exclusive Lock 
>>>     *收件人:*"Lazuardi Nasution"<mrxlazuar...@gmail.com>,"Ceph 
>>>     Users"<ceph-users@lists.ceph.com> 
>>>     *抄送:* 
>>>     On 03/06/2018 01:17 PM, Lazuardi Nasution wrote: 
>>>     > Hi, 
>>>     > 
>>>     > I want to do load balanced multipathing (multiple iSCSI 
>>> gateway/exporter 
>>>     > nodes) of iSCSI backed with RBD images. Should I disable exclusive 
>>> lock 
>>>     > feature? What if I don't disable that feature? I'm using TGT 
>>> (manual 
>>>     > way) since I get so many CPU stuck error messages when I was using 
>>> LIO. 
>>>     > 
>>>     You are using LIO/TGT with krbd right? 
>>>     You cannot or shouldn't do active/active multipathing. If you have 
>>> the 
>>>     lock enabled then it bounces between paths for each IO and will be 
>>> slow. 
>>>     If you do not have it enabled then you can end up with stale IO 
>>>     overwriting current data. 
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> [1] http://docs.ceph.com/docs/master/rbd/iscsi-overview/ 
> -- 
> Jason 

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