Thanks for the response Bryan!

Would it be good to go ahead and do the increase up to 4096 PGs for thee pool 
given that it's only at 52% done with the rebalance backfilling operations?

Thanks in advance!!

-----Original Message-----
From: Bryan Stillwell []
Sent: Tuesday, February 13, 2018 12:43 PM
To: Bryan Banister <>; Janne Johansson 
Cc: Ceph Users <>
Subject: Re: [ceph-users] Help rebalancing OSD usage, Luminus 1.2.2

Note: External Email


Based off the information you've provided so far, I would say that your largest 
pool still doesn't have enough PGs.

If you originally had only 512 PGs for you largest pool (I'm guessing 
.rgw.buckets has 99% of your data), then on a balanced cluster you would have 
just ~11.5 PGs per OSD (3*512/133).  That's way lower than the recommended 100 

Based on the number of disks and assuming your .rgw.buckets pool has 99% of the 
data, you should have around 4,096 PGs for that pool.  You'll still end up with 
an uneven distribution, but the outliers shouldn't be as far out.

Sage recently wrote a new balancer plugin that makes balancing a cluster 
something that happens automatically.  He gave a great talk at LinuxConf 
Australia that you should check out, here's a link into the video where he 
talks about the balancer and the need for it:

Even though your objects are fairly large, they are getting broken up into 
chunks that are spread across the cluster.  You can see how large each of your 
PGs are with a command like this:

ceph pg dump | grep '[0-9]*\.[0-9a-f]*' | awk '{ print $1 "\t" $7 }' |sort -n 

You'll see that within a pool the PG sizes are fairly close to the same size, 
but in your cluster the PGs are fairly large (~200GB would be my guess).


From: ceph-users <> on behalf of Bryan 
Banister <>
Date: Monday, February 12, 2018 at 2:19 PM
To: Janne Johansson <>
Cc: Ceph Users <>
Subject: Re: [ceph-users] Help rebalancing OSD usage, Luminus 1.2.2

Hi Janne and others,

We used the “ceph osd reweight-by-utilization “ command to move a small amount 
of data off of the top four OSDs by utilization.  Then we updated the pg_num 
and pgp_num on the pool from 512 to 1024 which started moving roughly 50% of 
the objects around as a result.  The unfortunate issue is that the weights on 
the OSDs are still roughly equivalent and the OSDs that are nearfull were still 
getting allocated objects during the rebalance backfill operations.

At this point I have made some massive changes to the weights of the OSDs in an 
attempt to stop Ceph from allocating any more data to OSDs that are getting 
close to full.  Basically the OSD with the lowest utilization remains weighted 
at 1 and the rest of the OSDs are now reduced in weight based on the percent 
usage of the OSD + the %usage of the OSD with the amount of data (21% at the 
time).  This means the OSD that is at the most full at this time at 86% full 
now has a weight of only .33 (it was at 89% when reweight was applied).  I’m 
not sure this is a good idea, but it seemed like the only option I had.  Please 
let me know if I’m making a bad situation worse!

I still have the question on how this happened in the first place and how to 
prevent it from happening going forward without a lot of monitoring and 
reweighting on weekends/etc to keep things balanced.  It sounds like Ceph is 
really expecting that objects stored into a pool will roughly have the same 
size, is that right?

Our backups going into this pool have very large variation in size, so would it 
be better to create multiple pools based on expected size of objects and then 
put backups of similar size into each pool?

The backups also have basically the same names with the only difference being 
the date which it was taken (e.g. backup name difference in subsequent days can 
be one digit at times), so does this mean that large backups with basically the 
same name will end up being placed in the same PGs based on the CRUSH 
calculation using the object name?


From: Janne Johansson []
Sent: Wednesday, January 31, 2018 9:34 AM
To: Bryan Banister <>
Cc: Ceph Users <>
Subject: Re: [ceph-users] Help rebalancing OSD usage, Luminus 1.2.2

Note: External Email

2018-01-31 15:58 GMT+01:00 Bryan Banister <>:

Given that this will move data around (I think), should we increase the pg_num 
and pgp_num first and then see how it looks?

I guess adding pgs and pgps will move stuff around too, but if the PGCALC 
formula says you should have more then that would still be a good
start. Still, a few manual reweights first to take the 85-90% ones down might 
be good, some move operations are going to refuse adding things
to too-full OSDs, so you would not want to get accidentally bumped above such a 
limit due to some temp-data being created during moves.

Also, dont bump pgs like crazy, you can never move down. Aim for getting ~100 
per OSD at most, and perhaps even then in smaller steps so
that the creation (and evening out of data to the new empty PGs) doesn't kill 
normal client I/O perf in the meantime.

May the most significant bit of your life be positive.

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