
For the past few weeks I've been seeing a large number of pgs on our main erasure coded pool being flagged inconsistent, followed by them becoming active+recovery_wait+inconsistent with unfound objects. The cluster is currently running luminous 12.2.2 but has in the past also run its way through firefly, hammer and jewel.

Here's a sample object from "ceph pg list_missing" (there are 150 unfound objects in this particular pg):

ceph health detail shows:
    pg 70.467 is stuck unclean for 1004525.715896, current state 
active+recovery_wait+inconsistent, last acting [449,233,336,323,259,193]

ceph pg 70.467 list_missing:
            "oid": {
                "key": "",
                "snapid": -2,
                "hash": 628294759,
                "max": 0,
                "pool": 70,
                "namespace": ""
            "need": "73222'132227",
            "have": "0'0",
            "flags": "none",
            "locations": [

When I trace through the filesystem on each OSD, I find the associated file present on each OSD but with size 0 bytes.

Interestingly, for the 3 OSDs for which "list_missing" shows locations above (193,259,449), the timestamp of the 0-byte file is recent (within last few weeks). For the other 3 OSDs (233,336,323), it's in the distant past (08/2015 and 02/2016).

All the unfound objects I've checked on this pg show the same pattern, along with the "have" epoch showing as "0'0".

Other than the potential data loss being disturbing, I wonder why this showed up so suddenly?

It seems to have been triggered by one OSD host failing over a long weekend. By the time we looked at it on Monday, the cluster had re-balanced enough data that I decided to simply leave it - we had long wanted to evacuate a first host to convert to a newer OS release, as well as Bluestore. Perhaps this was a bad choice, but the cluster recovery appeared to be proceeding normally, and was apparently complete a few days later. It was only around a week later that the unfound objects started.

All the unfound object file fragments I've tracked down so far have their older members with timestamps in the same mid-2015 to mid-2016 period. I could be wrong but this really seems like a long-standing problem has just been unearthed. I wonder if it could be connected to this thread from early 2016, concerning a problem on the same cluster:


It's a long thread, but the 0-byte files sound very like the "orphaned files" in that thread - related to performing a directory split while handling links on a filename with the special long filename handling...


However unlike that thread, I'm not finding any other files with duplicate names in the hierarchy.

I'm not sure there's much else I can do besides record the names of any unfound objects before resorting to "mark_unfound_lost delete" - any suggestions for further research?


Graham Allan
Minnesota Supercomputing Institute - g...@umn.edu
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