
I am trying to increase the full ratio of OSDs in a cluster.
While adding a new node one of the new disk got backfilled to more than 95%
and cluster freezed. So I am trying to avoid it from happening again.

Tried pg set command but it is not working :
$ ceph pg set_nearfull_ratio 0.88
Error ENOTSUP: this command is obsolete

I had increased the full ratio in osds using injectargs initially but it
didnt work as when the disk reached 95% it showed osd full status

$ ceph tell osd.* injectargs '--mon_osd_full_ratio 0.97'
osd.0: mon_osd_full_ratio = '0.970000' (not observed, change may require
osd.1: mon_osd_full_ratio = '0.970000' (not observed, change may require

How can I set full ratio to more than 95% ?

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