This morning I went through and enabled the influx plugin in ceph-mgr on12.2.2, 
so far so good.

Only non-obvious step was installing the python-influxdb package that it 
depends on. Probably needs to be baked into the documentation somewhere.

Other than that, 90% of the stats I use are in this, and a few breakdowns of my 
existing statistics are available now.

If I had to make a wishlist of stats I wish were part of this:
PG state stats - number of PGs active, clean, scrubbing, scrubbing-deep, 
backfilling, recovering, etc
Pool ops - we have pool level rd/wr_bytes, would love to see pool level 
rd/wr_ops as well.
Cluster level object state stats - Total Objects, Degraded, Misplaced, Unfound, 
daemon (osd/mon/mds/mgr) state stats - total, up, in, active, degraded/failed, 
quorum, etc
osd recovery_bytes - recovery bytes to compliment ops (like ceph -s provides)

Otherwise, this seems to be a much better approach than CollectD for data 
collection and shipping as it eliminates the middleman and puts the mgr daemons 
to work.

Love to see the ceph-mgr daemons grow in capability like this, take load off 
the mons, and provide more useful functionality.


> On Jan 11, 2018, at 10:02 AM, Benjeman Meekhof <> wrote:
> Hi Reed,
> Someone in our group originally wrote the plugin and put in PR.  Since
> our commit the plugin was 'forward-ported' to master and made
> incompatible with Luminous so we've been using our own version of the
> plugin while waiting for the necessary pieces to be back-ported to
> Luminous to use the modified upstream version.  Now we are in the
> process of trying out the back-ported version that is in 12.2.2 as
> well as adding some additional code from our version that collects pg
> summary information (count of active, etc) and supports sending to
> multiple influx destinations.  We'll attempt to PR any changes we
> make.
> So to answer your question:  Yes, we use it but not exactly the
> version from upstream in production yet.  However in our testing the
> module included with 12.2.2 appears to work as expected and we're
> planning to move over to it and do any future work based from the
> version in the upstream Ceph tree.
> There is one issue/bug that may still exist exist:  because of how the
> data point timestamps are written inside a loop through OSD stats the
> spread is sometimes wide enough that Grafana doesn't group properly
> and you get the appearance of extreme spikes in derivative calculation
> of rates.  We ended up modifying our code to calculate timestamps just
> outside the loops that create data points and apply it to every point
> created in loops through stats.  Of course we'll feed that back
> upstream when we get to it and assuming it is still an issue in the
> current code.
> thanks,
> Ben
> On Thu, Jan 11, 2018 at 2:04 AM, Reed Dier <> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Does anyone have any idea if the influx plugin for ceph-mgr is stable in
>> 12.2.2?
>> Would love to ditch collectd and report directly from ceph if that is the
>> case.
>> Documentation says that it is added in Mimic/13.x, however it looks like
>> from an earlier ML post that it would be coming to Luminous.
>> I also see it as a disabled module currently:
>> $ ceph mgr module ls
>> {
>>    "enabled_modules": [
>>        "dashboard",
>>        "restful",
>>        "status"
>>    ],
>>    "disabled_modules": [
>>        "balancer",
>>        "influx",
>>        "localpool",
>>        "prometheus",
>>        "selftest",
>>        "zabbix"
>>    ]
>> }
>> Curious if anyone has been using it in place of CollectD/Telegraf for
>> feeding InfluxDB with statistics.
>> Thanks,
>> Reed
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