On Mon, Jan 8, 2018 at 10:53 AM, Dan van der Ster <d...@vanderster.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 8, 2018 at 4:37 PM, Alfredo Deza <ad...@redhat.com> wrote:
>> On Thu, Dec 21, 2017 at 11:35 AM, Stefan Kooman <ste...@bit.nl> wrote:
>>> Quoting Dan van der Ster (d...@vanderster.com):
>>>> Thanks Stefan. But isn't there also some vgremove or lvremove magic
>>>> that needs to bring down these /dev/dm-... devices I have?
>>> Ah, you want to clean up properly before that. Sure:
>>> lvremove -f <volume_group>/<logical_volume>
>>> vgremove <volume_group>
>>> pvremove /dev/ceph-device (should wipe labels)
>>> So ideally there should be a ceph-volume lvm destroy / zap option that
>>> takes care of this:
>>> 1) Properly remove LV/VG/PV as shown above
>>> 2) wipefs to get rid of LVM signatures
>>> 3) dd zeroes to get rid of signatures that might still be there
>> ceph-volume does have a 'zap' subcommand, but it does not remove
>> logical volumes or groups. It is intended to leave those in place for
>> re-use. It uses wipefs, but
>> not in a way that would end up removing LVM signatures.
>> Docs for zap are at: http://docs.ceph.com/docs/master/ceph-volume/lvm/zap/
>> The reason for not attempting removal is that an LV might not be a
>> 1-to-1 device to volume group. It is being suggested here to "vgremove
>> <volume_group>"
>> but what if the group has several other LVs that should not get
>> removed? Similarly, what if the logical volume is not a single PV but
>> many?
>> We believe that these operations should be up to the administrator
>> with better context as to what goes where and what (if anything)
>> really needs to be removed
>> from LVM.
> Maybe I'm missing something, but aren't most (almost all?) use-cases just
>    ceph-volume lvm create /dev/<thewholedisk>

> ? Or do you expect most deployments to do something more complicated with lvm?

Yes, we do. For example dmcache, which to ceph-volume looks like a
plain logical volume, but it can be vary on how it is implemented
behind the scenes

> In that above whole-disk case, I think it would be useful to have a
> very simple cmd to tear down whatever ceph-volume created, so that
> ceph admins don't need to reverse engineer what ceph-volume is doing
> with lvm.

Right, that would work if that was the only supported way of dealing
with lvm. We aren't imposing this, we added it as a convenience if a
user did not want
to deal with lvm at all. LVM has a plethora of ways to create an LV,
and we don't want to either restrict users to our view of LVM or
attempt to understand all the many different
ways that may be and assume some behavior is desired (like removing a VG)

> Otherwise, perhaps it would be useful to document the expected normal
> lifecycle of an lvm osd: create, failure / replacement handling,
> decommissioning.
> Cheers, Dan
>>> Gr. Stefan
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