Hi list,

all this is on Ceph 12.2.2.

An existing cephFS (named "cephfs") was backed up as a tar ball, then "removed" ("ceph fs rm cephfs --yes-i-really-mean-it"), a new one created ("ceph fs new cephfs cephfs-metadata cephfs-data") and the content restored from the tar ball. According to the output of "ceph fs rm", the old cephFS has only been deactivated, not deleted. Looking at the Ceph manager's web interface, it now lists two entries "cephfs", one with id 0 (the "old" FS) and id "1" (the currently active FS).

When we try to run "ceph fs status", we get an error with a traceback:

---cut here---
ceph3:~ # ceph fs status
Error EINVAL: Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib64/ceph/mgr/status/module.py", line 301, in handle_command
    return self.handle_fs_status(cmd)
  File "/usr/lib64/ceph/mgr/status/module.py", line 219, in handle_fs_status
    stats = pool_stats[pool_id]
KeyError: (29L,)
---cut here---

while this works:

---cut here---
ceph3:~ # ceph fs ls
name: cephfs, metadata pool: cephfs-metadata, data pools: [cephfs-data ]
---cut here---

We see the new id 1 when we run

---cut here---
ceph3:~ #  ceph fs get cephfs
Filesystem 'cephfs' (1)
fs_name cephfs
data_pools      [35]
metadata_pool   36
inline_data     disabled
standby_count_wanted    1
---cut here---

The new FS seems to work properly and can be mounted from the clients, just like before removing and rebuilding it. I'm not sure which other commands would fail with this traceback, for now "ceph fs status" is the only one.

So it seems that having one deactivated cephFS has an impact on some of the functions/commands. Is there any way to remove it properly? Most of the commands work with the name, not the id of the FS, so it's difficult to access the data from the old FS. Has anyone some insights on how to clean this up?


Eugen Block                             voice   : +49-40-559 51 75
NDE Netzdesign und -entwicklung AG      fax     : +49-40-559 51 77
Postfach 61 03 15
D-22423 Hamburg                         e-mail  : ebl...@nde.ag

        Vorsitzende des Aufsichtsrates: Angelika Mozdzen
          Sitz und Registergericht: Hamburg, HRB 90934
                  Vorstand: Jens-U. Mozdzen
                   USt-IdNr. DE 814 013 983

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