Hi Ceph fs'ers

I have a question about the "mds_cache_memory_limit" parameter and MDS
memory usage. We currently have set mds_cache_memory_limit=150G.
The MDS server itself (and its active-standby) have 256 GB of RAM.
Eventually the MDS process will consume ~ 87.5% of available memory.
At that point it will trim its cache, confirmed with:

while sleep 1; do ceph daemon mds.mds1 perf dump | jq '.mds_mem.rss'; ceph
daemon mds.mds1 dump_mempools | jq -c '.mds_co'; done

1 cephfs kernel client (4.13.0-21-generic), Ceph 12.2.2.

Anyways, it will consume roughly 1.5 times the amount of memory it is
allowed to use according to mds_cache_memory_limit. Is this expected

Gr. Stefan

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