It's not possible to use multiple threads by disk in qemu currently. (It's on 
qemu roadmap).

but you can create multiple disk/rbd image and use multiple qemu iothreads. (1 
by disk).

(BTW, I'm able to reach around 70k iops max with 4k read, with 3,1ghz cpu, 
rbd_cache=none, disabling debug and cephx in ceph.conf)

----- Mail original -----
De: "冷镇宇" <>
À: "ceph-users" <>
Envoyé: Mardi 2 Janvier 2018 04:01:39
Objet: [ceph-users] Question about librbd with qemu-kvm

Hi all, 

I am using librbd of Ceph10.2.0 with Qemu-kvm. When the virtual machine booted, 
I found that there is only one tp_librbd thread for one rbd image. Then the 
iops of 4KB read for one rbd image is only 20,000. I'm wondering if there are 
some configures for librbd in qemu which can add librbd threads for one rbd 
image. Can someone help me? Thank you very much. 
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