On 12/20/2017 03:21 PM, Steven Vacaroaia wrote:
> Hi,
> I apologies for creating a new thread ( I already mentioned my issue in
> another one)
> but I am hoping someone will be able to 
> provide clarification / instructions 
> Looks like the patch for including qfull_time is missing from kernel 4.14
> as the following error occurs when creating disks
> Could not set LIO device attribute cmd_time_out/qfull_time_out for
> device: rbd.disk1. Kernel not supported. - error(Cannot find attribute:
> qfull_time_out)
> Dec 20 11:03:34 osd03 journal: LUN alloc problem - Could not set LIO
> device attribute cmd_time_out/qfull_time_out for device: rbd.disk1.
> Kernel not supported. - error(Cannot find attribute: qfull_time_out)
> When should we expect to have it included ?

Basically whenever the upstream target layer maintainer comes back from
wherever he is. I know that answer sucks, and I am sorry. All I can do
is ping him every once in a while, resend my patches to keep them up to
date, and wait for him to get time.

When the target layer maintainer at least says that the kernel/user API
being added in this patchset


is ok, I have a kernel that I can push to


with everything needed so you do not have to wait for them.

A updated tcmu-runner rpm will also needed, but I am the maintainer and
that is just waiting for the kernel patches to get the OK.
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