Hi cephers.
Some thoughts...
At this time my cluster on Kraken 11.2.0 - works smooth with FileStore
and RBD only.
I want upgrade to Luminous 12.2.1 and go to Bluestore because this
cluster want grows double with new disks, so is best opportunity migrate
to Bluestore.
In ML I was found two problems:
1. Increased memory usage, should be fixed in upstream
2. OSD drops and goes cluster offline
Don't know this Bluestore or FileStore OSD'.s.
If the first case I can safely survive - hosts has enough memory to go
to Bluestore and with the growing I can wait until the next stable release.
That second case really scares me. As I understood clusters with this
problem for now not in production.
By this point I have completed all the preparations for the update and
now I need to figure out whether I should update to 12.2.1 or wait for
the next stable release, because my cluster is in production and I can't
fail. Or I can upgrade and use FileStore until next release, this is
acceptable for me.
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