well I haven't found any recomendation either but I think that sometimes the SSD space is being wasted.
I was thinking about making an OSD from the rest of my SSD space, but it wouldnt scale in case more speed is needed. Other option I asked was to use bcache or a mix between bcache and small DB partitions but I was only reply with corruption problems so I decided not to do it. http://lists.ceph.com/pipermail/ceph-users-ceph.com/2017-October/021535.html I think a good idea would be to use the space needed to store the Hot DB and the rest use it as a cache (at least a read cache) I dont really know a lot about this topic but I think that maybe giving 50GB of a really expensive SSD is pointless with its only using 10GB. El 02/11/2017 a las 21:45, Martin Overgaard Hansen escribió: > Hi, it seems like I’m in the same boat as everyone else in > this particular thread. > > I’m also unable to find any guidelines or recommendations regarding > sizing of the wal and / or db. > > I want to bring this subject back in the light and hope someone can > provide insight regarding the issue, thanks. > > Best Regards, > Martin Overgaard Hansen > > MultiHouse IT Partner A/S > > > > _______________________________________________ > ceph-users mailing list > ceph-users@lists.ceph.com > http://lists.ceph.com/listinfo.cgi/ceph-users-ceph.com -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *Jorge Pinilla López* jorp...@unizar.es Estudiante de ingenieria informática Becario del area de sistemas (SICUZ) Universidad de Zaragoza PGP-KeyID: A34331932EBC715A <http://pgp.rediris.es:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0xA34331932EBC715A> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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