On 10/30/2017 02:33 PM, shadow_lin wrote:
Hi all,
I am wondering how to choose the proper ec profile for new luminous ec rbd image.
If I set the k too high what the draw back would be?
Is it a good idea to set k=10 m=2? It sounds attempting the overhead of storage capacity is low and the redundancy is good.


That is a consideration between how important your data is, how quickly you think you will notice [even if Ceph somehow doesn't or can't deal with it because of imperfect configuration or such] and how quickly you ultimately are done rebuilding redundancy.

I'd suggest to imagine a bad scenario for how long it will take and just consider how nervous it'd make you to be down to x OSDs/hosts of redundancy for that duration.

Apart from that, Ceph isn't a super stable super easy to comprehend type of software yet (no offense to anyone intended - you're overall doing a good job!). As far as I can guess, there could be the occasional moment when one extra copy allows you to use a simpler, more reliable "tabula rasa" approach to host / OSD problem fixing, while staying safe enough.

shadow_lin wrote:
What is the difference for storage safety(redundancy ) between k=10 m=2 and k=4 m=2?

3 OSDs failing before you / Ceph restores them is a less likely event in a pool of 6 than one of 12. If you had k=10 million m=2 with 12TB HDD, it'd probably take just some seconds to minutes until you have data loss.

shadow_lin wrote:
What would be a good ec profile for archive purpose(decent write perfomance and just ok read performace)?

I don't actually know that - but the default is not bad if you ask me (not that it features writes faster than reads). Plus it lets you pick m.

- Michael
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