> Op 5 oktober 2017 om 21:35 schreef Stefan Kooman <ste...@bit.nl>:
> Hi,
> Sorry for empty mail, that shouldn't have happened. I would like to
> address the following. Currently the repository list for debian-
> packages contain _only_ the latest package version. In case of a
> (urgent) need to downgrade you cannot easily select an older version.
> You then need to resort to download packages manually. I want to suggest
> that we keep the older packages in the repo list. They are on the
> mirrors anyway (../debian/pool/main/{c,r}/ceph/).

They still are, aren't they? 

I see 12.2.0 and 12.2.1 packages in there. You should be able to use Apt 
pinning to fix that for you.

> We have set up a Dutch Ceph mirror: http://ceph.download.bit.nl
> (currently same server as Dutch ubuntu mirror). This mirror also listens
> to "http://nl.ceph.com"; and will do so for "https://nl.ceph.com"; when
> (if) it gets CNAMED (... with a let's encrypt cert).

Great! With the changes at RH there is not much 'bandwidth' at the moment to 
address the whole mirroring system.

I'll bring this up again to see if we can speed things up.


> Gr. Stefan
> -- 
> | BIT BV  http://www.bit.nl/        Kamer van Koophandel 09090351
> | GPG: 0xD14839C6                   +31 318 648 688 / i...@bit.nl
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