I am testing rbd mirroring, and have two existing clusters named ceph
in their ceph.conf.  Each cluster has a separate fsid.  On one
cluster, I renamed ceph.conf into remote-mirror.conf and
ceph.client.admin.keyring to remote-mirror.client.admin.keyring, but
it looks like this is not sufficient:

root@lab2-mon3:/etc/ceph# rbd --cluster remote-mirror mirror pool peer
add spin2 client.admin@remote-mirror
rbd: error adding mirror peer
2017-10-05 19:40:52.003289 7f290935c100 -1 librbd: Cannot add self as
remote peer

Short of creating a whole new cluster, are there any options to make
such configuration work?

Thank you,
Alex Gorbachev
ceph-users mailing list

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