On 05/10/2017 12:03, Lenz Grimmer wrote:

>> Now to find or build a pretty dashboard with all of these metrics. I
>> wasn't able to find something in the grafana supplied dashboards, and
>> haven't spent enough time on openattic to extract a dashboard from
>> there. Any pointers appreciated!
> openATTIC simply embeds Grafana dashboards, which are set up by DeepSea,
> which also takes care of the initial cluster deploy, including the
> required Prometheus node and exporters (we use the DigitalOcean Ceph
> exporter):
> https://github.com/SUSE/DeepSea
> https://github.com/digitalocean/ceph_exporter
> The Grafana dashboard files can be found here:
> https://github.com/SUSE/DeepSea/tree/master/srv/salt/ceph/monitoring/grafana/files
>  Lenz
Thanks for the pointers - I guess I'll need to find some time to change
those dashboards to use the ceph-mgr metrics names (at least, I'm unsure
if the DO exporter uses the same names as ceph-mgr.) To be continued..

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