I haven't used the striper, but it appears to make you specify sizes,
stripe units, and stripe counts. I would expect you need to make sure that
the size is an integer multiple of the stripe unit. And it probably
defaults to a 4MB object if you don't specify one?

On Fri, Sep 29, 2017 at 2:09 AM Alexander Kushnirenko <kushnire...@gmail.com>

> Hi,
> I'm trying to use CEPH-12.2.0 as storage for with Bareos-16.2.4 backup
> with libradosstriper1 support.
> Libradosstriber was suggested on this list to solve the problem, that
> current CEPH-12 discourages users from using object with very big size
> (>128MB).  Bareos treat Rados Object as Volume and in CEPH-10 it created
> objects with very big size (10G and more).  CEPH-10 allowed such behaviour,
> put recovery indeed take very long time. So stripping objects seems to be
> the right thing to do.
> Bareos supports libradosstriper and the code seems to work. But for some
> reason it run only with stripe_unit=4194304, which seems to be typical
> value for RadosGW for example.  I tried several other values for
> stripe_unit, but the code exit with error.
> Is there a particular reason why only 4M size works?  Can one use some CLI
> to test different stripe sizes?
> Basic flow of creating object in Bareos is the following:
> rados_ioctx_create(m_cluster, m_rados_poolname, &m_ctx);
> rados_striper_create(m_ctx, &m_striper);
> rados_striper_set_object_layout_stripe_unit(m_striper, m_stripe_unit);
> rados_striper_set_object_layout_stripe_count(m_striper, m_stripe_count);
> .....
> status = rados_striper_write(m_striper, m_virtual_filename, buffer, count,
> offset);
> Alexander
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