On 2017-09-29 17:14, Hauke Homburg wrote:
> Hello,
> Ich think that the Ceph Users don't recommend on ceph osd on Hardware
> RAID. But i haven't found a technical Solution for this.
> Can anybody give me so a Solution?
> Thanks for your help
> Regards
> Hauke
You get better performance when you have 5 OSD daemons managing 5
physical disk than 1 OSD daemon managing a faster RAID 5 disk. Each
daemon is a service that is allocated cores/threads/message queues and
needs to communicate with peers over the network...the more you have the
If you do have a RAID controller with battery backed write back cache
you can configure disks in RAID 0 single disk instead of JBOD, it may
give better write performance/latency..but needs to be tested to see
which is faster.
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