On Fri, Sep 29, 2017 at 7:34 AM Yoann Moulin <yoann.mou...@epfl.ch> wrote:

> Hi,
> >>>>> Kernels on client is 4.4.0-93 and on ceph node are 4.4.0-96
> >>>>>
> >>>>> What is exactly an older kernel client ? 4.4 is old ?
> >>>>>
> >>>>> See
> >>>>>
> http://docs.ceph.com/docs/master/cephfs/best-practices/#which-kernel-version
> >>>>>
> >>>>> If you're on Ubuntu Xenial I would advise to use
> >>>>> "linux-generic-hwe-16.04". Currently gives you 4.10.0-* kernel.
> >>>>
> >>>> OK, but I still cannot set caps without read access to "/" on cephfs
> volume, is there something else I must do ?
> >>>>
> >>>> # ceph auth get-or-create client.foo mon "allow r" osd "allow rw
> pool=cephfs_data" mds "allow rw path=/foo"
> >>>> Error EINVAL: key for client.foo exists but cap mds does not match
> >>>>
> >>>> # ceph fs authorize cephfs client.foo /foo rw
> >>>> Error EINVAL: key for client.foo exists but cap mds does not match
> >>>
> >>> Use "ceph auth list" to check the current caps for the client. With
> ceph
> >>> auth caps (note, _not_ get-or-create) you can update the caps:
> >>>
> >>> ceph auth caps client.foo mon "allow r" osd "allow rw
> >>> pool=cephfs_data" mds "allow rw path=/foo"
> >>>
> >>> The command should return "updated caps for client.foo"
> >>
> >>     oops, you're right I must use "ceph auth caps" and not "ceph auth
> get-or-create"
> >>
> >>     # ceph auth caps client.foo mon "allow r" osd "allow rw
> pool=cephfs_data" mds "allow rw path=/foo"
> >>     updated caps for client.foo
> >
> > In cases like this you also want to set RADOS namespaces for each
> tenant’s directory in the CephFS layout and give them OSD access to only
> that
> > namespace. That will prevent malicious users from tampering with the raw
> RADOS objects of other users.
> You mean by doing something like :
> ceph auth caps client.foo mon "allow r" osd "allow rw pool=cephfs_data
> namespace=foo" mds "allow rw path=/foo" ?
> [client.foo]
>         key = [snip]
>         caps mds = "allow rw path=/foo"
>         caps mon = "allow r"
>         caps osd = "allow rw pool=cephfs_data namespace=foo"
> or you are referring also to :
> http://docs.ceph.com/docs/master/cephfs/file-layouts/

Yes, both of those. The "auth caps" portion gives the client permission on
the OSD to access the namespace "foo". The file layouts place the CephFS
file data into that namespace.
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