Dear Stefan,
Thanks for your help. You are right. I was missing apt update" after adding 
 After doing apt update I am able to install luminous
cadmin@admin:~/my-cluster$ ceph --versionceph version 12.2.1 
(3e7492b9ada8bdc9a5cd0feafd42fbca27f9c38e) luminous (stable)

I am not much in practice with Ubuntu. I use Centos/RHEL only . This time a 
specific requirement to install it on Ubuntu.
I want to ask one thing.
Now ceph two version availbe in repository.
1- Jewel in Ubuntu update repository2 -   Manually added ceph Repository
If one package available in multiple repository with different version How can 
I install specific version ?


    On Friday, September 29, 2017 9:57 AM, Stefan Kooman <> wrote:

 Quoting Kashif Mumtaz (
> Dear User,
> I am striving had to install Ceph luminous version on Ubuntu 16.04.3  ( 
> xenial ).
> Its repo is available at 
> I added it like sudo apt-add-repository 'deb 
> xenial main'
> # more  sources.list
> deb xenial main

^^ That looks good. 

> It say no package available. Did anybody able to install Luminous on Xenial 
> by using repo?

Just checkin': you did a "apt update" after adding the repo?

The repo works fine for me. Is the Ceph gpg key installed?

apt-key list |grep Ceph
uid         (release key) <>

Make sure you have "apt-transport-https" installed (as the repos uses

Gr. Stefan

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