
A few weeks ago after running the command to fix my object index for a
particular bucket with a lot of data (~26TB) and about 50k multipart
objects (~1800 S3 objects), the index lost track of all previous objects
and started tracking only new ones.  The radosgw zone was set to
index_type: 1 when i ran the command. Could that have broken it? I then set
it back to index_type:0 but i didn't change anything.

Fortunately, i have a separate DB containing the path to each object in
Ceph, so i can verify they are still there. Running HEAD on these objects
works, as does downloading them. But they are missing from the index.
When i rerun, nothing changes. It also returns in about 30 seconds which is
way too fast considering how much data i have in this bucket.

fix returns 15949 objects, but i estimate thus bucket has more like 50000
multipart objects in it.

radosgw-admin bucket check --bucket <bucketname> --fix --check-objects
output (Earlier) and zonegroup info:

And now when i run it, i get nothing at all - i suspect it was wiped again
and only will pick up new things.

-bash-4.2$ radosgw-admin bucket check --bucket int8-packages --check-objects
2017-09-14 18:02:53.690107 7f65e33b9c80  0 System already converted

Currently Kraken 11.2.0. Is it worth going up to Luminous (or Kraken
11.2.1) to fix?


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