
recently I upgraded a test cluster from 10.2.9 to 12.2.0. When that was done, I converted all OSDs from filestore to bluestore. Today, ceph reported a scrub error in the cephfs metadata pool:

ceph health detail
HEALTH_ERR 6 scrub errors; Possible data damage: 2 pgs inconsistent
OSD_SCRUB_ERRORS 6 scrub errors
PG_DAMAGED Possible data damage: 2 pgs inconsistent
    pg 3.a0 is active+clean+inconsistent, acting [23,219,82]
    pg 3.1e6 is active+clean+inconsistent, acting [165,229,147]

rados list-inconsistent-obj 3.a0 --format=json-pretty
    "epoch": 123758,
    "inconsistents": []

rados list-inconsistent-obj 3.1e6 --format=json-pretty
    "epoch": 124133,
    "inconsistents": [
            "object": {
                "name": "100003fd495.00000000",
                "nspace": "",
                "locator": "",
                "snap": "head",
                "version": 112719
            "errors": [],
            "union_shard_errors": [
"selected_object_info": "3:67df2121:::100003fd495.00000000:head(79783'119744 osd.165.0:23304 dirty|omap|data_digest|omap_digest s 0 uv 112719 dd ffffffff od 8430fcf1 alloc_hint [0 0 0])",
            "shards": [
                    "osd": 147,
                    "primary": false,
                    "errors": [
                    "size": 0,
                    "omap_digest": "0x98702a83",
                    "data_digest": "0xffffffff"
                    "osd": 165,
                    "primary": true,
                    "errors": [
                    "size": 0,
                    "omap_digest": "0x98702a83",
                    "data_digest": "0xffffffff"
                    "osd": 229,
                    "primary": false,
                    "errors": [
                    "size": 0,
                    "omap_digest": "0x98702a83",
                    "data_digest": "0xffffffff"

To me there seems to be no obvious error. Could anyone give me a hint how to handle that? ceph pg repair did not help.


Daniel Schreiber
Facharbeitsgruppe Systemsoftware

Technische Universität Chemnitz
Straße der Nationen 62 (Raum B303)
09111 Chemnitz

Tel:     +49 371 531 35444
Fax:     +49 371 531 835444

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