Hi Alexandre,

Am 07.09.2017 um 19:31 schrieb Alexandre DERUMIER:
> Hi Stefan
>>> Have you already done tests how he performance changes with bluestore 
>>> while putting all 3 block devices on the same ssd?
> I'm going to test bluestore with 3 nodes , 18 x intel s3610 1,6TB in coming 
> weeks.
> I'll send results on the mailing.



> ----- Mail original -----
> De: "Stefan Priebe, Profihost AG" <s.pri...@profihost.ag>
> À: "Christian Balzer" <ch...@gol.com>, "ceph-users" <ceph-us...@sts.ceph.com>
> Envoyé: Jeudi 7 Septembre 2017 08:03:31
> Objet: Re: [ceph-users] PCIe journal benefit for SSD OSDs
> Hello, 
> Am 07.09.2017 um 03:53 schrieb Christian Balzer: 
>> Hello, 
>> On Wed, 6 Sep 2017 09:09:54 -0400 Alex Gorbachev wrote: 
>>> We are planning a Jewel filestore based cluster for a performance 
>>> sensitive healthcare client, and the conservative OSD choice is 
>>> Samsung SM863A. 
>> While I totally see where you're coming from and me having stated that 
>> I'll give Luminous and Bluestore some time to mature, I'd also be looking 
>> into that if I were being in the planning phase now, with like 3 months 
>> before deployment. 
>> The inherent performance increase with Bluestore (and having something 
>> that hopefully won't need touching/upgrading for a while) shouldn't be 
>> ignored. 
> Yes and that's the point where i'm currently as well. Thinking about how 
> to design a new cluster based on bluestore. 
>> The SSDs are fine, I've been starting to use those recently (though not 
>> with Ceph yet) as Intel DC S36xx or 37xx are impossible to get. 
>> They're a bit slower in the write IOPS department, but good enough for me. 
> I've never used the Intel DC ones but always the Samsung are the Intel 
> really faster? Have you disabled te FLUSH command for the Samsung ones? 
> They don't skip the command automatically like the Intel do. Sadly the 
> Samsung SM863 got more expensive over the last months. They were a lot 
> cheaper in the first month of 2016. May be the 2,5" optane intel ssds 
> will change the game. 
>>> but was wondering if anyone has seen a positive 
>>> impact from also using PCIe journals (e.g. Intel P3700 or even the 
>>> older 910 series) in front of such SSDs? 
>> NVMe journals (or WAL and DB space for Bluestore) are nice and can 
>> certainly help, especially if Ceph is tuned accordingly. 
>> Avoid non DC NVMes, I doubt you can still get 910s, they are officially 
>> EOL. 
>> You want to match capabilities and endurances, a DC P3700 800GB would be 
>> an OK match for 3-4 SM863a 960GB for example. 
> That's a good point but makes the cluster more expensive. Currently 
> while using filestore i use one SSD for journal and data which works fine. 
> With bluestore we've block, db and wal so we need 3 block devices per 
> OSD. If we need one PCIe or NVMe device per 3-4 devices it get's much 
> more expensive per host - currently running 10 OSDs / SSDs per Node. 
> Have you already done tests how he performance changes with bluestore 
> while putting all 3 block devices on the same ssd? 
> Greets, 
> Stefan 
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