Hi, Cephers!

I'm currently testing the situation of double failure for ceph cluster.
But, I faced that pgs are in stale state forever.

reproduce steps)
0. ceph version : jewel 10.2.3 (ecc23778eb545d8dd55e2e4735b53cc93f92e65b)
1. Pool create : exp-volumes (size = 2, min_size = 1)
2. rbd create : testvol01
3. rbd map and create mkfs.xfs
4. mount and create file
5. list rados object
6. check osd map of each object
 # ceph osd map exp-volumes rbd_data.4a41f238e1f29.000000000000017a
   osdmap e199 pool 'exp-volumes' (2) object
-> pg 2.3f04d6e2 (2.62) -> up ([2,6], p2) acting ([2,6], p2)
7. stop primary osd.2 and secondary osd.6 of above object at the same time
8. check ceph status
            16 pgs are stuck inactive for more than 300 seconds
            16 pgs stale
            16 pgs stuck stale
     monmap e11: 3 mons at {
            election epoch 84, quorum 0,1,2,,
     osdmap e248: 6 osds: 4 up, 4 in; 16 remapped pgs
            flags sortbitwise,require_jewel_osds
      pgmap v112095: 128 pgs, 1 pools, 14659 kB data, 17 objects
            165 MB used, 159 GB / 160 GB avail
                 112 active+clean
                  16 stale+active+clean

# ceph health detail
HEALTH_ERR 16 pgs are stuck inactive for more than 300 seconds; 16 pgs
stale; 16 pgs stuck stale
pg 2.67 is stuck stale for 689.171742, current state stale+active+clean,
last acting [2,6]
pg 2.5a is stuck stale for 689.171748, current state stale+active+clean,
last acting [6,2]
pg 2.52 is stuck stale for 689.171753, current state stale+active+clean,
last acting [2,6]
pg 2.4d is stuck stale for 689.171757, current state stale+active+clean,
last acting [2,6]
pg 2.56 is stuck stale for 689.171755, current state stale+active+clean,
last acting [6,2]
pg 2.d is stuck stale for 689.171811, current state stale+active+clean,
last acting [6,2]
pg 2.79 is stuck stale for 689.171808, current state stale+active+clean,
last acting [2,6]
pg 2.1f is stuck stale for 689.171782, current state stale+active+clean,
last acting [6,2]
pg 2.76 is stuck stale for 689.171809, current state stale+active+clean,
last acting [6,2]
pg 2.17 is stuck stale for 689.171794, current state stale+active+clean,
last acting [6,2]
pg 2.63 is stuck stale for 689.171794, current state stale+active+clean,
last acting [2,6]
pg 2.77 is stuck stale for 689.171816, current state stale+active+clean,
last acting [2,6]
pg 2.1b is stuck stale for 689.171793, current state stale+active+clean,
last acting [6,2]
pg 2.62 is stuck stale for 689.171765, current state stale+active+clean,
last acting [2,6]
pg 2.30 is stuck stale for 689.171799, current state stale+active+clean,
last acting [2,6]
pg 2.19 is stuck stale for 689.171798, current state stale+active+clean,
last acting [6,2]

 # ceph pg dump_stuck stale
pg_stat state   up      up_primary      acting  acting_primary
2.67    stale+active+clean      [2,6]   2       [2,6]   2
2.5a    stale+active+clean      [6,2]   6       [6,2]   6
2.52    stale+active+clean      [2,6]   2       [2,6]   2
2.4d    stale+active+clean      [2,6]   2       [2,6]   2
2.56    stale+active+clean      [6,2]   6       [6,2]   6
2.d     stale+active+clean      [6,2]   6       [6,2]   6
2.79    stale+active+clean      [2,6]   2       [2,6]   2
2.1f    stale+active+clean      [6,2]   6       [6,2]   6
2.76    stale+active+clean      [6,2]   6       [6,2]   6
2.17    stale+active+clean      [6,2]   6       [6,2]   6
2.63    stale+active+clean      [2,6]   2       [2,6]   2
2.77    stale+active+clean      [2,6]   2       [2,6]   2
2.1b    stale+active+clean      [6,2]   6       [6,2]   6
2.62    stale+active+clean      [2,6]   2       [2,6]   2
2.30    stale+active+clean      [2,6]   2       [2,6]   2
2.19    stale+active+clean      [6,2]   6       [6,2]   6

# ceph pg 2.62 query
Error ENOENT: i don't have pgid 2.62

 # rados ls -p exp-volumes
^C --> hang

I understand that this is a natural result becasue above pgs have no
primary and seconary osd. But this situation can be occurred so, I want to
recover ceph cluster and rbd images.

Firstly I want to know how to make ceph cluster's state clean.
I read document and try to solve this but nothing can help including below
 - ceph pg force_create_pg 2.6
 - ceph osd lost 2 --yes-i-really-mean-it
 - ceph osd lost 6 --yes-i-really-mean-it
 - ceph osd crush rm osd.2
 - ceph osd crush rm osd.6
 - cpeh osd rm osd.2
 - ceph osd rm osd.6

Is there any command to force delete pgs or make ceph cluster clean ?
Thank you in advance.
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