On Wed, Aug 16, 2017 at 3:27 PM, Henrik Korkuc <li...@kirneh.eu> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have use case for billions of small files (~1KB) on CephFS and as to my
> experience having billions of objects in a pool is not very good idea (ops
> slow down, large memory usage, etc) I decided to test CephFS inline_data.
> After activating this feature and starting copy process I noticed that
> objects are still created on data pool, but their size is 0. Is this
> expected behavior? Maybe someone can share tips on using large amount of
> small objects? I am on 12.1.3, already using decreased min block size for
> bluestore.

Couple of thoughts:
 - Frequently when someone has a "billions of small files" workload
they really want an object store, not a filesystem
 - In many cases the major per-file overhead is MDS CPU req/s rather
than the OSD ops, so inline data may be efficient but not result in
overall speedup
 - If you do need to get rid of the overhead of writing objects to the
data pool, you could work on creating a special backtraceless flag
(per-filesystem), where the filesystem cannot do lookups by inode (no
NFS, no hardlinks, limited disaster recovery), but it doesn't write
backtraces either.


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