
I have the following issue: While “radosgw bucket list” shows me my buckets, S3 
API clients only get a “404 Not Found”. With debug level 20, I see the 
following output of the radosgw service:

2017-08-16 14:02:21.725959 7fc7f5317700 20 rgw::auth::s3::LocalEngine granted 
2017-08-16 14:02:21.725960 7fc7f5317700 20 rgw::auth::s3::AWSAuthStrategy 
granted access
2017-08-16 14:02:21.725963 7fc7f5317700  2 req 1:0.004722:s3:GET 
/s3testbucket-1:get_obj:normalizing buckets and tenants
2017-08-16 14:02:21.725967 7fc7f5317700 10 s->object=s3testbucket-1 
2017-08-16 14:02:21.725974 7fc7f5317700  2 req 1:0.004734:s3:GET 
/s3testbucket-1:get_obj:init permissions
2017-08-16 14:02:21.725986 7fc7f5317700 20 get_system_obj_state: 
rctx=0x7fc7f530fe50 obj=default.rgw.data.root:ceph-kl-mon1.de.empolis.com 
state=0x7fc915db1e00 s->prefetch_data=0
2017-08-16 14:02:21.725990 7fc7f5317700 10 cache get: 
name=default.rgw.data.root++ceph-kl-mon1.de.empolis.com : miss
2017-08-16 14:02:21.728248 7fc7f5317700 10 cache put: 
name=default.rgw.data.root++ceph-kl-mon1.de.empolis.com info.flags=0x0
2017-08-16 14:02:21.728253 7fc7f5317700 10 adding 
default.rgw.data.root++ceph-kl-mon1.de.empolis.com to cache LRU end
2017-08-16 14:02:21.728285 7fc7f5317700 10 read_permissions on 
ceph-kl-mon1.de.empolis.com[]) ret=-2002
2017-08-16 14:02:21.728287 7fc7f5317700 20 op->ERRORHANDLER: err_no=-2002 
2017-08-16 14:02:21.728368 7fc7f5317700  2 req 1:0.007127:s3:GET 
/s3testbucket-1:get_obj:op status=0
2017-08-16 14:02:21.728371 7fc7f5317700  2 req 1:0.007130:s3:GET 
/s3testbucket-1:get_obj:http status=404
2017-08-16 14:02:21.728380 7fc7f5317700  1 ====== req done req=0x7fc7f5311190 
op status=0 http_status=404 ======

I see the line with “err_no=-2002”. What does that mean?


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