hi all,

thanks for all the feedback. it's clear we should stick to the 1GB/TB
for the memory.

any (changes to) recommendation for the CPU? in particular, is it still
the rather vague "1 HT core per OSD" (or was it "1 1Ghz HT core per
OSD"? it would be nice if we had some numbers like required specint per
TB and/or per Gbs. also any indication how much more cpu EC uses (10%,
100%, ...)?

i'm aware that this also depeneds on the use case, but i'll take any
pointers i can get. we will probably end up overprovisioning, but it
would be nice if we can avoid a whole cpu (32GB dimms are cheap, so lots
of ram with single socket is really possible these days).


On 08/10/2017 05:30 PM, Gregory Farnum wrote:
> This has been discussed a lot in the performance meetings so I've added
> Mark to discuss. My naive recollection is that the per-terabyte
> recommendation will be more realistic  than it was in the past (an
> effective increase in memory needs), but also that it will be under much
> better control than previously.
> On Thu, Aug 10, 2017 at 1:35 AM Stijn De Weirdt <stijn.dewei...@ugent.be>
> wrote:
>> hi all,
>> we are planning to purchse new OSD hardware, and we are wondering if for
>> upcoming luminous with bluestore OSDs, anything wrt the hardware
>> recommendations from
>> http://docs.ceph.com/docs/master/start/hardware-recommendations/
>> will be different, esp the memory/cpu part. i understand from colleagues
>> that the async messenger makes a big difference in memory usage (maybe
>> also cpu load?); but we are also interested in the "1GB of RAM per TB"
>> recommendation/requirement.
>> many thanks,
>> stijn
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